All Napier Photography videos are now on Vimeo, remember to like and share the videos and please feel free to leave a comment
If you would like to us to do a photography video for you, please contact us..
Maybe you would like to showcase your race team at your workplace or even give one to your sponsors for all their support throughout the year. Contact us to see what we can do for you...
Remember, we can show you what you have been waiting to see... A different view of your world..
Adin Robertson was very lucky to walk away from this at Bairnsdale Speedway this season...
One of the classes that we support and try to get to as many races as we can are the Unlimited Sedans. This is a prelude to their State Title that was held in February where we saw Warrick Taylor take out back to back State Title wins.. Congratulations Warrick!
We are supporters of the Cox Racing Team and worked on a promotion pic video for them..
When we are asked to do a photo shoot for a family of race car drivers how can we say no.
Enjoy the photos from the Dike Family's photo shoot. Only one car missing which was Trish's Vic #1 car.
Thank you for allowing me to capture these moments!
Always good to watch the Crash and Bash, let alone to photograh all the action. Please ensure my little tribute to a great class that shows the meaning of Speedway family.
See you all at the track very soon - Lou
Check out the season so far as at December 2019 for Grass Roots Speedway.
A few highlights from the VSC Sprintcar Season 2019-20
Would you like to know more about VSC Sprintcars ?
Head to their facebook page
At Drouiin on Sunday 9th February, The Unlimiteds have their State Title race and Napier Photography will be there to capture all the action. Some photos from the past few season (shout out to Shane from Rock Solid Productions for the help on getting some extra photos) .
Please feel free to share but for any photos from this video to purchase contact Napier Photography. photos are subject to copyright.
See you at the track - Lou
At Drouin on Sunday 20th October, Crash and Bash Association put on some great racing and of course a great show. Craig McKendry had a bit of a tumble while other cars around him managed to get away without too much damage..
I was lucky enough to be able to capture it with my camera.
Please feel free to share but for any photos from this video to purchase contact Napier Photography. photos are subject to copyright.
See you at the track - Lou
Rewind back to
Nyora Speedway - 4 & 5 November - 2017
Was the first time at Nyora Speedway where I got to watch and photograph the Wingless Sprints, Mini Sprints for the first time... and they certainly put on a show.
Tell me about your memories at Speedway or let me take "A moment in Time" of your life.
Keep up to date on here and our Facebook page.
Rewind back to
Bairnsdale Speedway - Australia Day weekend - 2017
Was the first time I put my name to a photograph and was so proud. I now look back and see how far I have come in my speedway photography.
First time I watched Crash and Bash which i thought was mad as. Loved it... I have come to see what the meaning of speedway family is with this class.
Tell me about your memories at Speedway or let me take "A moment in Time" of your life.
Keep up to date on here and our Facebook page.
Alexandra Speedway on Saturday 2nd March
Sports Sedans Final and Warrick Howie along with his passenger Jaimi had a bit of a tumble
I was lucky enough to be able to capture it with my camera.
Please feel free to share but for any photos from this video to purchase contact Napier Photography. photos are subject to copyright.
See you at the track - Lou
A warm Australia Day saw some great racing but just a view of the faces and the cars from the Pits to the Race Track.
Production Sedan Title at Bairnsdale Speedway in January 2019. Congratulations to Beau Riley on the win and to all drivers, plenty of thrill and spills.
The driver that makes the day of coming to Speedway all worth while. Thank you to all the drivers we photograph.
The photos dont always make it to print or shown - In The Pits lets you see the behind the scenes look at Rosedale - Victoria
Remembrance Day at Drouin was a fantastic day full of racing at Drouin Speedway - Victoria.
the faces of speedway - this time at Nyora Speedway - Victoria
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All images are the property of Napier Photography